"Little Men"
Pax has canceled Little Men!  The set will be gone by the end of this month.
Please "push ahead" full force everyday in your letters to Pax this month.
We need everyone to give at least 5 minutes a day, everyday in Aug., 2000
This could be our last hurrah, so let's make it a good one, folks.
Please Click here to access the "Foundation to Sustain LM" website.

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Christy: Return to Cuter Gap

Reports from Set Visitors

Then it was time to leave, so we said good buy and got into our car and drove away :-( I still literary go on cloud nine every time I think of my visit to the set. It was just one incredible thing after another. I was excited enough that I wasn’t feeling well later that day. I got very nauseous (sp?) in the car, so we stopped and got some lunch and that seemed to kill it. I also slept 10 hours straight that night, and I’m sure that it was just because I used up a lot of energy and released a lot of emotion in my excitement at the set. It may also have been because I woke up so early, but that’s not abnormal for me ;-)

Also, I should include that my cheeks hurt until very late into the evening from smiling and laughing so much. That was definitely one of the best days of my life!!!

Day 3: Friday, August 6

Well, we drove to Niagra Falls since it was only a few hours away, but I won’t get into the details of that since it’s irrelevant.

Day 4: Saturday, August 7

We came home, and one of the first things that I did was go to Meijer’s and have my film developed ;-)

Also, I’m going to do as Breanna and Jeff were asked and not post the pictures of the cast that I took with Corey and Brittney. The people on call were Nick, Dan, Nan, Emil, and a few other characters that I don’t think we’ve seen yet. Nick wasn’t on call until later that day, and we had to go. Michelle was going to come, even though she wasn’t on call that day, but she wasn’t there by the time we had to leave. Her sister was there, but Michelle wasn’t yet. Maybe that was a good thing for me since I really would have lost it based on how I acted with Corey ;-)

One last thing, it was hard to believe how "right there" every thing was.   In "Looking Forward," you got the impression that Dan was way out in the wilderness, but in reality, he wasn't far from the house.  Plumfield isn't that far from Concord, either.  Also, Pickering is not a small town like I imagined it to be.

If I’ve left out anything, you can go ahead and e-mail me, but please don’t ask me about anything that I noted above as something that I didn’t want to explain.





As promised, here the info on what they were filming. It was a scene called "Guess you paid too much." We couldn’t really hear, but afterwards, they told us that it was an episode about one of the kids finding money, and then getting a little out of hand. In the scene we saw, the kids were talking to a man, and IF I could hear well enough,he gave them $100 for "something." Then one of the kids (Nan or Emil) said (again, if my ears were working…it was hard to hear because we were back aways) that they paid $180 for it. The man told them "sorry, you paid to much."

Nan and Emil were the ones talking to the man, and Nat was in the background holding a horse by one of the Concord town buildings. Since I couldn't hear very well, I can't very well tell you much else.  However, Mr. Binder did tell us that in that episode, someone finds some money and gets a little out of hand.   We'll have to stay tuned to episode 9 for details!!!

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